Generate a random UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that complies to what RFC4122 prescribes. Such a value is also known as a version 4 UUID.
returns a character of length 1 containing exactly 36
characters: 32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens (used as separators).
returns a raw vector of length 16.
returns a logical vector having the same length as x
. It
checks whether its elements are valid version 4 (variant 1) UUIDs or
not. It returns FALSE
for any other kind of UUID.
calls uuid_raw()
and formats its output accordingly.
Pseudo-random bytes are generated with sample()
whenever uuid_raw()
is called. This is most likely done before runtime when
objects are created. uuid_raw()
samples values
in the [0, 255]
range with replacement and converts them to raw
values. The user must ensure that the underlying seed is appropriate when
generating UUIDs. See set.seed()
for more information.
UUIDs are designed to be globally unique (collisions are extremely unlikely) and are sometimes called GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers). There are several UUID versions with slightly different purposes.
Package transltr
uses random identifiers (version 4/variant 1,
also known as DCE 1.1, ISO/IEC 11578:1996).